
Sermon Date Speaker Sermon Title
2016-05-01 張子義牧師 耶和華總不撇下你 (路得記 4之4) 路得記 第四章
2016-04-24 Chuck Lowe What must I do to be saved? - Practical Execution Romans 9-15
2016-04-24 潘儒達牧師 你們給他們吃吧 可 6:30-44
2016-04-17 Pastor Chuck Lowe What must I do to be saved? Romans 1-8
2016-04-17 章開第牧師 天降聖鴿 The Heavenly Dove 太3:13-17; 弗1:13-14
2016-04-10 Dr. Karen Mason Coping with Personal Suffering
2016-04-10 章開第牧師 王的登基 {2} The King’s Inauguration {2} 太 3:13-17; 可 10:38-39; 路 12:50; 約 1:33-34
2016-04-08 Dr. Karen Mason Dealing with Depression: Helping Those Who Do
2016-04-03 Pastor Chuck Lowe Churches That Fight with Pastors 2 Corinthians
2016-04-03 傅立德牧師 儘末了所滅的仇敵 來 2:14-15, 羅 5:12, 林前 15:20-26, 54-57, 來 2:9, 約 5:24, 西 3:3-4
2016-03-27 Chuck Lowe Resurrection Ramifications 1 Corinthians 15
2016-03-27 盧植德牧師 (英) 劉配融弟兄 (中) 復活節聯合崇拜 Easter Joint Sunday Worship 復活和人心深處的渴望 The Ramifications of the Resurrection 哥林多前書 第15章 1 Cor 15
2016-03-20 Pastor Chuck Lowe The Politics of Palm Sunday Matthew 21:1-17
2016-03-20 黃力夫教授 生命的蛻變 約翰福音3:16
2016-03-13 Chuck Lowe Spirit & Spirituality 1 Corinthians 12-14
2016-03-13 張越剛傳道 真理和愛 約翰二書1~3
2016-03-06 Chuck Lowe God and Other gods 1 Corinthians 10
2016-03-06 張子義牧師 求你用衣襟遮蓋我 (路得記 4之3) 路得記 3:9
2016-02-28 David Eng The Freedom to Love Intentionally 1 Corinthians 8-9
2016-02-28 章開第牧師 王的登基 {1} The King’s Inauguration {1} 馬太福音 3:13~17
2016-02-21 Chuck Lowe "Why Does God Hate Sex?" 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
2016-02-21 張子義牧師 投靠耶和華的翅膀下 (路得記 4之2) 路得記 2:1~13
2016-02-14 Chuck Lowe Life in the Meantime: Who's the Best Preacher of All? 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
2016-02-14 章開第牧師 曠野的呼聲 {3} A Herald in the Wilderness {3} 約 3:19~34; 路 3:15~17
2016-02-07 Chuck Lowe The Social Implications of Salvation Galatians 3:26 - 29
2016-02-07 張越剛傳道 腓利門書 (4) 愛的奴僕 腓利門書
2016-01-31 Chuck Lowe Waiting for the End 1 Thessalonians 4-5; 2 Thessalonians 1-2
2016-01-31 章開第牧師 曠野的呼聲 {2} A Herald in the Wilderness 太3:1~12; 路3:7~17
2016-01-24 David Eng Submission Wrestling Genesis 32:3-33:3
2016-01-24 章開第牧師 曠野的呼聲 {1} A Herald in the Wilderness 路3:1~6; 約1:6~8; 19~34
2016-01-17 Chuck Lowe Life in the Meantime 1Thessalonians
2016-01-17 章開第牧師 成長的模版 {2} A Prototype of Growth 路2:40, 52
2016-01-10 Chuck Lowe Life in the Meantime - Acts: The Priority of Access to the Gospel Acts
2016-01-10 章開第牧師 成長的標本 {1} 路 2:40~52
2016-01-03 潘儒達牧師 (中) 楊孟珊姊妹 (英) 新年主日聯合崇拜 New Year Joint Sunday Worship 保守自己、拯救世人 Keep yourself in God’s Love 猶大書 Jude 17~25
2015-12-27 張越剛傳道 (中) 潘瀾執事 (英) (3)基督裡的自由 Freedom in Christ 腓利門書 Philemon
2015-12-20 Chuck Lowe The Dissonance of Christmas Matthew 2:1-18
2015-12-20 章開第牧師(中) 潘瀾執事(英) 真道吟 Hymn of Logos{b} 約翰福音1:1~14
2015-12-13 Chuck Lowe The Final Stage of History Matthew 28:18-20
2015-12-13 章開第牧師 真道吟 Hymn of Logos{a} 約翰福音1:1~18
2015-12-06 Chuck Lowe The Climax of Salvation History Matthew 26:17-30
2015-12-06 何煜光長老 盡力與眾人和睦 羅馬書12:18
2015-11-29 Chuck Lowe Regime Change Matthew 21:1-43
2015-11-29 何明治長老 信心、恩典與恩膏 啟 3:14~22
2015-11-22 Chuck Lowe The Mission of the Twelve Matthew 9:35-10:39
2015-11-22 章開第牧師 竭力進入安息{2} 尼 10~13章; 太11:28~29; 來4:1~11
2015-11-15 車大光牧師 (英) 張召斌長老 (中) 走進生命之河 以西結書 47:1~9
2015-11-08 章開第牧師 竭力進入安息{1} 尼 10:29~31; 13:15~22; 賽30:15; 58:13~14
2015-11-01 Chuck Lowe The New Law / Reciprocation for Grace Matthew 5:1-7:29
2015-11-01 章開第牧師 嫉惡如仇{2} 申7:1~4; 拉9:9~10章 ; 彌 6:7~8; 尼 13:23~31
2015-10-25 Chuck Lowe The Character that Jesus Commends Matthew 5:1-10
2015-10-25 章開第牧師 嫉惡如仇{1} 拉9:1~6, 10; 尼10:29~30; 13:23~30; 申7:1~4
